Did you steam your V-hole
25 Mar
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Vaginal steaming is described as an ancient Korean/Thai treatment to cure reproductive organ ailments, cleanse the vagina and uterus, regulate menstruation, and ease period cramps and bloating. Vaginal steaming directs herb-infused steam into your vagina. Herbs often used alone or in combination include mugwort, wormwood, chamomile, calendula, basil, and oregano.
We show you how you can DIY at home. The process is simple. All you need to do is squat over a container filled with herb-infused steam. The herbs listed above do have their individual benefits. For instance, according to Chinese medicine, burnt mugwort is used over problematic areas of the body. This alternative therapy process is called moxibustion, and mugwort is believed to treat reproductive problems. Therefore, it is often used in vaginal steaming.
Or use a stool with a hole:
Or source the original equipment:
It is suggested to steam for 15-20 minutes. Enjoy as if you are steaming in a sauna. However, If you have wounds or infection in your vaginal area, stay away from this process because it can further irritate that area.
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