How to improve sexual performance? Many people think it's about seeing a doctor, but before seeing a doctor, you can engage in aerobic or anaerobic exercises to enhance the endurance and hardness of the penis. Of course, combining it with Kegel exercises is even better! Don't understand the connection between the above and male enhancement? No worries, this article will explain the complex relationship from a scientific perspective. Also, it introduces a natural male enhancement plant that has gained popularity in recent years: Maca.

Methods to Improve Sexual Performance

Exercise 1 to Improve Sexual Performance: Aerobic Exercise Benefits Penis Hardness

Exercise 1 to Improve Sexual Performance: Aerobic Exercise Benefits Penis Hardness

Aerobic exercise involves breathing in a large amount of oxygen, causing the heart rate to increase rapidly and accelerating blood flow throughout the body. Common aerobic exercises include running, cycling, or swimming. In fact, sexual activity requires sufficient stamina; if you run out of breath, the penis is more likely to "soften." On the contrary, regular aerobic exercise can prolong the time a man can last without getting out of breath in bed.

Research suggests that sitting for a long time makes it difficult to have an erection

International research indicates that running for an extra minute can extend the duration of sexual activity by two to three minutes. Men who sit for extended periods are three times more likely to experience erectile dysfunction than the average man. Of course, men who exercise regularly are less likely to experience erection problems. Many sex experts have mentioned that running in aerobic exercise can enhance men's libido and sexual performance, and can also reduce stress and improve anxiety. Sometimes, a man's difficulty in maintaining an erection is due to nervousness during sexual activity. Therefore, one should not overlook the relationship between psychological factors and the duration and hardness of erections.

Exercise 2 to Improve Sexual Performance: Anaerobic Exercise Increases Endurance

Exercise 2 to Improve Sexual Performance: Anaerobic Exercise Increases Endurance

Anaerobic exercise does not require a large amount of oxygen consumption but involves producing a significant burst of force in a short period, such as weightlifting, yoga, and squats. The benefit of anaerobic exercise is muscle training; the larger the muscles, the better the endurance. After all, sexual activity is a form of exercise, and insufficient stamina will naturally affect performance in bed.

Significant reduction in male hormones leads to erectile dysfunction

Moreover, muscle mass is directly proportional to male hormones. As men age, if they can maintain good muscle mass, it means less loss of male hormones. If a man's body lacks male hormones, it can lead to erectile dysfunction, decreased sexual performance, and even emotional instability. Research indicates that after the age of 30, male hormone secretion decreases annually, and after the age of 40, it starts to become insufficient, resulting in a significant difference in sexual performance compared to before the age of 30. Therefore, to maintain vitality, anaerobic exercise should also be done regularly.

Kegel Exercises to Enhance Sexual Function Endurance

Kegel Exercises to Enhance Sexual Function Endurance

Kegel exercises, also known as "pelvic floor exercises," can help men last longer. The training method is to first master a sensation of exertion: suddenly stop the flow of urine midstream (called "stopping"), forcibly stopping the urination process. This action is essentially using consciousness to exert force and tighten the pelvic floor muscles. Kegel exercises involve training the tightening of the pelvic floor muscles. Once you have mastered the sensation of "stopping," do not perform "stopping" during urination (as it can cause urinary problems). Instead, do "stopping" during idle times, sitting, lying down, or standing, three times a day, for 10 seconds each time (up to 30, do it according to your capacity, do not force it). Why can Kegel exercises be helpful for male enhancement? Remember, the hardness of the penis is determined by blood flow! Blood enters the penis through arteries and exits simultaneously through veins. When a large amount of blood enters the penis, the penis becomes erect and hard. If the blood flows quickly and cannot stay in the penis for a long time, it is challenging for the penis to remain hard for an extended period. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles through Kegel exercises can reduce the amount of blood flowing out of the veins, allowing more blood to stay in the penis, making it harder for a longer time. In addition, Kegel exercises also help prevent or improve premature ejaculation. Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles can allow men to control when they ejaculate more effectively.

What is Maca

What is Maca

Many people use food to enhance their sexual performance. In addition to traditional foods like oysters and shrimp heads, this article introduces a lesser-known plant called "Maca." Maca is a plant native to Peru, growing in the Andes Mountains. It is commonly used in Peruvian cuisine and has medicinal uses, including enhancing libido, increasing personal energy, and improving mood.

What are the Benefits of Maca? Does Maca Really Enhance Male Potency?

Regarding the male enhancement function of Maca, a small study in 2009 suggested that men with erectile dysfunction who took 2.4 grams of Maca daily for 12 consecutive weeks experienced a significant improvement in sexual performance, with better results than a placebo. Do you have to fly to Peru to buy Maca? Of course not. Maca-based supplements are already available on the market, such as the Play and Joy Powerman Maca Vitality Capsules. Its ingredients include Peruvian black Maca, Rhodiola, curcumin, New Zealand deer antler powder, zinc yeast, and arginine, among many other nutritional elements. It does not contain Western medicine ingredients, ensuring safety. It is especially suitable for men who are physically and mentally exhausted and need a boost in "combat power." Interested in buying? Check out the Maca Vitality Capsules product page on the Adult Loving website.