Yoni Eggs from Le Wand

Today, I will share with you how to use the kegel balls correctly! We especially recommend the brand new Yoni Eggs from Le Wand. Awaken inner strength with Le Wand Crystal Yoni Eggs Rose Crystal Yoni Eggs. Used by ancient Chinese Taoists for over 2,000 years, sex educators are now rediscovering these secret practices for strengthening the pelvic floor using Yoni eggs. By inserting Le Wand Crystal Yoni Eggs into the vagina, users can reap an amazing array of physical and sexual benefits.

Yoni Eggs kegel Balls

Yoni Eggs kegel Balls

In the Le Wand Naturals collection you will find a set of Yoni Eggs. In Sanskrit, the word "yoni" is usually interpreted as "vagina", "vulva" or "origin" or "source".

Training pelvic floor

Training pelvic floor

Insert Yoni Eggs into the vagina for a pelvic floor strengthening exercise.

Yoni Eggs Benefits

Yoni Eggs Benefits

Yoni Eggs have been around for over 2,000 years and began in ancient China as a Taoist practice that involved using jade eggs to strengthen the vagina. yoni is considered a place where people can channel and transform their qi (life force energy). Yoni Eggs are a useful tool to help restore vaginal elasticity after childbirth and also help produce natural lubrication by stimulating the vagina. Strengthening the pelvic floor can also help enhance sexual pleasure, relieve menstrual discomfort, and improve urinary incontinence.

Using Yoni Eggs

Using Yoni Eggs

To use Yoni Eggs for pelvic floor exercises, insert one or both of the eggs (whichever fits your body). Le Wand Crystal Yoni Eggs can be used with the included silicone sleeve for easy insertion and removal. Use Lube - Slowly put Yoni Eggs into your vagina. After inserting the eggs and taking a deep breath, inhale for a count of five while tightening the muscles in the vagina. Then, exhale for another five counts as you release your vaginal muscles, as if you were trying to push the eggs out of your body.

Yoni Eggs Exercise

For starters, you can try these exercises while lying down, then use them incrementally while standing, or even do Kegel exercises whenever you have free time, such as doing chores at home. It is recommended to do Kegel exercises for 15-20 minutes at a time.

取出 Yoni Eggs

To remove your Yoni Eggs, use the silicone collar to gently pull them out and loosen your vaginal muscles. If you're using Yoni Eggs without a silicone cover, you don't need to use extra force, just slowly push the Yoni Eggs out of your muscles. Your Yoni Eggs need to be cleaned after each use.

Le Wand Crystal Yoni Eggs Le Wand Crystal Yoni Eggs